
Geloa...adalah sebuah istilah yang tidak akan dapat anda temukan dimanapun dalam hal menemukan definisinya..
Karena itu adalah sebuah analisa rasa ketenangan ditengah hiruk pikuk ide, gagasan dan ambisi manusia untuk menaklukkan dunia dibahwa ketiaknya dan diujung jari telunjuknya,
Dalam beberapa dekade ini sebuah ide dan gagasan berhasil secara sempurna disusupkan dalam sendi-sendi kehidupan manusia sehingga mereka lupa asalnya, mereka lupa garisan akhir yang sudah dipastikan.

Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010


"HUKUMAN" (punishment) is the story of a boy who was educated by his father after he finished his education at a university. But, he felt the educated like a punishment. In addition contrary to the discipline that he learned, he also felt like thrown into the primitive world.

On his way he must do activities like the lives of those ancient times before he was born. Farming, hunting and fishing. Planting trees is a virtue that is always emphasized.

An incident made him realize the intent of his actions.


We thank those of you who support these activities. and cooperation in completing this indie film.

The film is not just a movie only .... A big message in it. In addition to the message in the story we also wanted to convey that the film was made by a community of art lovers who like Indie Films.

Where there are many community members are the people who were unable to further explore the world of cinematography, but with your help ... This film will be realized.

Due to the realization of this film then you will not only help us but help other communities which we use his services for this. and will open the eyes of other communities that meet the fate of us that whenever there is a problem there is always a way out.

In making this film we need funding - where half we have collected from members of the community. besides we will keep trying so we need your help ...
If you want to give the check directly to us please send email to

In return we give Besides DVDs, Posters, we also will add a few souvenirs handicrafts Kalimantan/Borneo to you who helped us make the myth become fact, not just a dream.

We are sure you will be very satisfied with the work we ...
"Thanks you very Much".....